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For customers working in high-abrasion, low-to-moderate
impact applications, including materials such as sand,
mud, clay and gravel, Caterpillar is introducing a new
tool that improves reliability and lowers costs. It’s a new
undercarriage called Cat Abrasion, a direct replacement for
the SystemOne™ undercarriage, which will soon be retired.
Watch a youtube video with the keywords
“Caterpillar is always looking to there is no wear between the Cat abrasion.
improve and provide more value to undercarriage idler and link. This watch?v=7w488Byjj8I
customers,” said Daniel Carro, EAME prevents scalloping, a half-moon
Undercarriage Aftermarket Service shaped wear pattern that is created in
Consultant. “Abrasive materials can the link that can not only make for an
cause excessive wear. Available for D1 uncomfortable ride in the cab, it can
to D6 tractors, our new Cat Abrasion also create difficulties when trying to
product launch continues to increase achieve a fine grade,” explained Daniel.
our value proposition to customers by
helping them save money through our In addition to improved operator
products and services.” Cat Abrasion comfort and grading capabilities,
is built on proven Cat rotating bushing this new undercarriage is highly
technology that extends wear life by up maintenance free. No bushing turns
to 50 percent and can reduce owning are required, and Cat Abrasion is
and operating costs up to 70 percent. maintenance free for 6,000 hours.
The patented relieved tread idler
“We are able to achieve these numbers design extends life dramatically.
with an advanced, proprietary cartridge
design that dramatically improves Cat Abrasion also includes the Cat
sealability,” added Daniel. “It’s thanks Undercarriage Assurance Program,
to our new, revolutionary XL coating. which offers leakage and breakage
With increased seal life, customers coverage on all components for four
can get the maximum life from other years, 6,000 hours or 100 percent
components, such as links, shoes and wear, whichever comes first.
rollers. In side-by-side field testing, the
Cat Abrasion seal life was up to double “At the end of the day, it’s all about
that of SystemOne. In addition to helping customers’ bottom line. Our
being extremely tough, the XL coating Abrasion undercarriage is built to
is groove resistant, which allows the provide lowest cost per hour. It really
seal to maintain its integrity. That helps allows customers to use the full life
prevent oil from getting out and dirt of the undercarriage and concentrate
from getting in. The XL coating is also on getting the job done. In the
non-corrosive, and we have changed right application, Abrasion comes
the seal bore geometry to help with top of the class,” said Daniel. n
thawing and used a cold metal transfer
technology to reduce end play.” Additional details at: 35 -70% lower
en_US/campaigns/awareness/ operating costs
Just like oil in a car, keeping rotating abrasion-undercarriage.html
metal parts lubricated helps prevent
excessive wear. “With Cat Abrasion,
Up to 50% longer life
8 Cat Magazine