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                                                                                  Patricia Namatovu,
                                                                                  Head Administrator

                                                                                  Clarke Group, Uganda

      Cat   equipment is built
      to get the job done in the                                                  We were first established in 2015 as
      long run. In conjunction, Caterpillar and Cat dealer Mantrac                Clarke Group and had a variety of
      together help customers get the most out of their machines                  specialties, but now concentrate on
      by supporting them with aftermarket services and solutions.                 agriculture. On our 600-hectare farm, we
                                                                                  have eucalyptus trees, maize and some
                                                                                  livestock, although our major product at
                                                                                  the moment is coffee. We have a backhoe
        It’s why we sought out three    So, read on and get to know               loader (428F) from our Cat dealer Mantrac
        success stories in Africa that show   three unique customers and their    and that clears land, pulls stumps and
        how Caterpillar and Cat dealers   experience with aftermarket services    it even helped us build a wet mill.
        are tailoring solutions to help   and solutions from Mantrac:
        customers succeed. In this article,   • Uganda’s Clarke Group, an         We prefer using Mantrac instead of
        you will discover more about why   agriculture specialist                 someone else because the 428F comes
        they choose Cat parts and services   • Ayoti Contractors in Kenya, an     from Caterpillar, and in my experience,
        for their machines. Whether it’s   independent construction company       it’s better to work with the company and
        telematic solutions, Customer Value   • Form Ghana, a specialist          people that have supplied the machinery
        Agreements, flexible payment terms   in forestry n                        because they understand it better.
        or digital platforms, like
        (eCommerce), you’ll learn how the   Additional details at:    Cat dealer Mantrac has genuine Cat parts,
        quality and durability of genuine Cat                                     and the aftermarket services are really
        parts help save time and money. And                                       good, which is why we keep coming back.
        it all comes down to the excellent                                        At the end of the day, if you just go out into
        support and availability of Mantrac.                                      the market for parts and service you are
                                                                                  likely not to get the quality needed.

                                                                                     I think that Cat machines
                                                                                  ‘‘are durable, and so
                                                                                     are the parts.
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