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        Think about the last time your engine
        needed maintenance. Or, when you
        wanted to be certain your fleet was
        operating at peak capacity. Perhaps,
        you needed help understanding
        what your equipment’s
        system fault codes mean.

            You likely consulted with one of   of the importance of the service   two attributes our customers rely on
            Caterpillar’s unsung heroes: a     technician role within the industry.   when choosing Cat. The technicians
            qualified dealer technician. They’re   How? By incorporating them into the   were required to run a timed course and
            the backbone of our dealership     popular Cat Trials video series.   complete a series of challenges accurately
            network and bring a competitive edge                                  related to their profession,” said Archie.
            to our customers’ businesses.      In the past, the Cat Trials showcased
                                               expert operators completing imaginative   The course consisted of five main
            Gone are the days when service     challenges that highlighted the power,   challenges; mechanical aptitude, problem
            technicians were only out in the dirt. These   versatility and precision of Cat machines.   solving, the desire to learn, computer
            days, they’re working with 3D-modeling,   For instance, past trials have included   skills and a safety mindset. Each aligns
            advanced technology and more.      a game of giant Jenga , a moving golf   with the qualities Caterpillar looks for
                                               green on a Cat 793F and, most recently,   when hiring its technicians. For example,
            Looking forward, however, there’s a   an imaginative game of PAC-MAN™.  to complete the mechanical aptitude
            growing labor gap between the number                                  challenge, technicians had to reference
            of skilled service technicians available   But this year, the team changed   a 2D drawing with limited information,
            and the number needed. Not just at   direction to focus on the human power   then create a 3D-model of that drawing
            Cat  dealers, but industry-wide even   of service technicians, who make Cat   using an assortment of parts.
            as in-house customer technicians.  customers’ machines and engines run.
                                                                                  Eighteen technician contestants
            “Globally, there is a tremendous demand   “This year, we shifted gears from machine   participated from across the US, including
            for service technicians. Cat dealers need   demonstrations and operator skills to   three women. “The goal is to showcase
            about 10,000 a year for current demand.   focus Cat Trial 10 on the importance of   people who represent the types of
            And, over the next five years, that’s likely   trained service technicians,” said Archie.  candidates Caterpillar wants to recruit,”
            to increase to anywhere from 13,000 up to                             said Dawn Stage, part of the Technician
            16,000 yearly,” said Archie Lyons, Creative   “We wanted to create something that   Marketing Team for Caterpillar.
            Director for Caterpillar Global Brands.  demonstrated just how highly skilled
                                               these techs are to build interest in the   For those interested in becoming a
            To help recruit and fill so many positions,   technician career path. Meanwhile, we   Cat technician, there are a variety of
            Caterpillar is raising awareness   wanted to test their skills and endurance,   pathways and resources. “One of our

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