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       This expertise also meant that Zeppelin   and Zeppelin logistic skills were called   been intended as an exhibit at the
       and Caterpillar could reassure the   into action to ensure delivery, with   SteinExpo Trade Fair, which had just
       customers at every step of the way. For   machines coming from Brazil, China,   been cancelled due to the coronavirus.
       example, would Cat machines work   France, Indonesia and the USA. “We   While the machines coming from the
       at high altitudes? Yes, they’ve been   were micro-managing every step of   USA had to face the worse storm
       used in the Andes in South America.   the way. In constant contact with the   Texas had seen in over 30 years.
       Would the cold be an issue for them?   factories in Batam and Decatur, talking
       No problem, they’ve been working in   with Cat Logistics, twice a day, every day,   Once they had arrived in Austria there
       colder conditions in mines in Russia.  checking schedules to find the quickest   was still the problem of ensuring
                                         routes to Europe and the machines on   machines of this size could make it
       Finally, a buy-back option was    the right vessels,” Simon explains.  up the mountain. With only two roads
       negotiated that would see the                                        leading to the site, every load and
       machines returned to Zeppelin at the   Luck also played its part; two 140-ton   truck combination had to be checked
       end of the job, to be resold as used   excavators had just passed through   with the local authorities to ensure
       machines, with an estimated 9,000   the Suez Canal when the Ever Given   they could get through any tunnels.
       operating hours on the clock.     container ship got stuck and blocked the
                                         waterway for weeks. A new Cat crawler
       With 16 large Cat machines ordered at   excavator 352 was found at short notice
       the same time, the full might of Caterpillar   and close to the site. Having originally

                                                                                                        Cat Magazine 5
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