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          LOUDER THAN WORDS                                                          2021

          Our long-standing commitment to                                           CATERPILLAR’S ENVIRONMENTAL,
          sustainability inspires us to reduce                                      SOCIAL AND GOVERNANCE APPROACH
          greenhouse gas emissions in our
          operations, develop innovative         Some of the highlights
          products, technologies, and            included in the report:
          services, and drives us to help
          our customers achieve their            • The announcement that Caterpillar
          climate-related objectives.             will disclose the estimated Scope
                                                  3 greenhouse gas emissions
          So the 2021 Sustainability Report -     (GHG) beginning in 2023.
          which outlines Caterpillar’s approach to   • Our commitment to utilize the
          environmental, social and governance    Task Force on Climate-Related
          (ESG) issues – is a real indicator of how   Financial Disclosures (TCFD) framework
          well we are doing. The report, which    to further enhance the company’s
          came out earlier this year, describes the   sustainability reporting beginning in 2023.
          company’s focus on sustainability as part   • The progress we have already made in both
          of its strategy for long-term profitable   achieving Caterpillar’s 2030 sustainability   The 2021 Caterpillar
          growth. And we urge you all to read it.  and our product stewardship in support of   Sustainability Report is
                                                  our customers’ climate-related objectives. ■  available for you to read at:


          BEAUTY TO                                                              Landing page:

          THE PLANET                                                   

          In eastern Mongolia, set in        And yet, the lake and the surrounding   has the lowest cost and highest production.
          an area of natural beauty          parklands are man-made. Originally this   After 12-hours of running at full capacity,
          teeming with wildlife and          area was the Toson Mine, employing   the dozer only requires 350 liters of fuel.”
          plants, you will find Toson Lake,   hundreds of people. But when the
          the country’s largest lake.        Monpolymet Group had to close it down,   But the work still goes on. Today, about
                                             they saw big plans for the future. For   60% of the area has been biologically
          Around the shoreline are beaches,   over 20 years, Bayarbat Chuluunbat, the   remediated: meaning the soil, plant
          wooden shacks and meandering       company’s general mechanic, has put   and animal life have been restored.
          sidewalks, dotted along which you   over two D8R Dozers to work to transform   With Monpolymet having planted over
          will find seating and picnic tables.   the area into what it is today. “In my   80,000 trees, fruit and berry groves. ■
          In short, it is an idyllic place and   experience, Cat engines are better than
          feels like it’s been here forever.  any other brands. Plus, the D8R Dozer

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