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Renewable energy

        IN THE SAND


        NEOM isn’t just another construction site. It’s the construction site. A $500 Billion
        bold, audacious and innovative giga-project. One that will not only challenge how
        we see, interact and live in cities, but also how sustainably they can be built.

            It is impossible to describe NEOM without using superlatives

                NEOM is made up of three core projects. Trojena   the machines via Customer Value Agreements (CVAs),
                is a destination resort built around a lake in Saudi   which include customer technician training, regular
                Arabia’s snowy mountain range. Oxagon will be the   maintenance at scheduled intervals, as well as around-
                world’s largest floating structure and an industry hub   the-clock, on-demand field and technical support.
                that will service 13% of the world’s trade. And The
                Line, perhaps the most impressive of all. A totally   Zahid Tractor has supplied many of the 5,000 tractors,
                unique city that stretches over 170 kilometres (110   excavators, loaders, graders, and trucks currently on-
                miles) long and yet is just 200 meters (660ft) wide.  site, and that number is expected to double over the
                                                              coming year. All of these will be kept very busy as just
                Once built, The Line’s mirrored city walls will be home   the preparation for the foundations alone will involve
                to 9 million people. Residents lucky enough to live here   moving approximately 500 million cubic meters of soil.
                will be supported by a futuristic infrastructure that will
                give them access to all their basic amenities within a   Dealing with such large numbers of machines would
                5-minute walk. While a high-speed rail link will run the   always be difficult. Still, when you factor into account the
                whole length of The Line in as little as 20 minutes.  complexities associated with such a remote location, the
                                                              logistical challenge becomes even more extraordinary.
                With neither roads nor cars and 95% of its
                land preserved for nature, The Line will also be   Zahid Tractor’s Strategy Department Head, Omar
                carbon neutral, with a 0% carbon footprint.   Sherif, is understandably proud of how they have
                                                              tackled the job. “In a time when supply chains are
                As you would expect, with sustainability at its   as strange as they are, together with Caterpillar,
                core, there is a strong emphasis on renewable   we’ve been able to deliver on this absolutely massive
                energy, water conservation and reuse, and a   project. And that is quite an achievement.”
                circular waste management system that promises
                zero waste to landfill. While the city itself will   And for those wondering why it is called NEOM?
                be powered by wind and solar panels.          It’s a combination of two words. The first three
                                                              letters come from the Ancient Greek neo,
                Zahid Tractor, the Cat dealership in the region, was   meaning new. While the M comes from the
                an obvious partner in this project with its vast network   Arabic word, mustaqbal, meaning future. ■
                of relationships, local knowledge and expertise in
                working in the remotest areas. One of the many
                services they handle is ensuring the uptime needs of

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