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The M314 and M318 have a number of design updates that
enhance efficiency and lower long-term operating costs. Each
machine has advanced hydraulics that help power attachments
more efficiently. That includes Cat tilt-rotators, which
increase machine flexibility and allow operators to maneuver
around obstacles without repositioning the machine.
These versatile excavators are codes and other machine data. That
built to get the job done quickly and includes new, Remote Troubleshoot
efficiently. “I have been working and Remote Flash. Remote
with the M318 since the beginning Troubleshoot helps reduce service
of 2020,” said, Eric Witt, Operator trips to jobsites by giving technicians
at contractor Waggershauser in the ability to run diagnostics testing
Germany. “Right away I could remotely and capture real-time
tell what a big difference there is data. Remote Flash updates
with the new M318. One feature I on-board machine software to
particularly like is that I can program ensure machines are operating
my joystick to my own preferences with the most current systems.
by logging in with a personal
code. This means my colleagues LESS REQUIRED MAINTENANCE
can set their own preferences These machines have longer
and just log in to start working service and maintenance intervals.
immediately, which saves time.” For example, longer-lasting
filters deliver up to a 10 percent
OPERATOR COMFORT, SAFETY saving in maintenance parts. The
Whether customers choose a deluxe new hydraulic oil filter delivers
or premium cab design, operators improved filtration and 50 percent
will find new, larger spaces and longer change interval at 3,000
added comfort to reduce fatigue and operating hours. Plus, filter life
increase productivity. When it comes and maintenance intervals are
to safety, a low-profile engine hood, now conveniently tracked on the
large front, rear and side windows, in-cab touchscreen monitor. n
offer improved visibility in every
direction. Standard rearview and Additional details at:
sideview cameras further improve
visibility. “On jobsites, safety is
the most important thing to me,”
added Eric. “My M318 has four
cameras that are placed around the
machine, so the computer creates “For me, this is the best
a 360 visibility to enhance safety.”
wheeled excavator I have
TECHNOLOGY BOOSTS EFFICIENCY ever operated. Each morning
Owners and operators can take
advantage of Product Link™. This it makes me happy to get
technology comes standard and in the cab, and then get
provides machine location, hours,
fuel use, idle time, diagnostics out that evening without
Eric Witt, Operator at feeling exhausted. What
contractor Waggershauser
a great machine.”
6 Cat Magazine