Page 15 - 2235-Caterpillar_SARL-GB
P. 15

This night construction site works in the smallest of spaces.
               Four Cat 336 excavators hammer against the backdrop of Frankfurt Airport. Cat
               SmartBoom intelligent technology reduces vibration and loss of power.
               The broken section is excavated by two Cat 330 F chain excavators.
                                                                                      TO MAXIMIZE EFFICIENCY,
                                                                                      COORDINATED OPERATION
                                                                                      IS ESSENTIAL.

                                                                                           • Four Cat 336F excavators work
                                                                                            two-by-two to systematically
                                                                                            break the asphalt
                                                                                           • Two Cat 330F excavators
                                                                                            load 20 articulated trucks,
                                                                                            which line either side of
                                                                                            the construction site
                                                                                           • After material is removed,
                                                                                            a Cat M317F excavator
                                                                                            levels areas for bulldozing
                                                                                           • While demolition continues,
                                                                                            a Cat 950M wheel
                                                                                            loader brings rubble to a
                                                                                            temporary storage area
                                                                                           • Articulated trucks, which
                                                                                            removed debris, now deliver
                                                                                            frost protection material
                                                                                            (made from the old runway)
           wide and 140 meters long,” said Annette Ruschat, Site                            and new, pre-mixed asphalt
           Manager for Strabag. “We also add a new superstructure.”
           As part of the renovation, cable holes and pipes for                            • At about 01:00, a paver
           electrical runway lighting must be installed.                                    begins its work
                                                                                           • A bulldozer has already
           To help get the job done, Johann Bunte relies on support from
           Zeppelin Rental. “Repetitive, overnight construction is complex,”                applied the substructure
           explains Christian Naujok, with Zeppelin Rental. “For example,                   and frost protection
           because of the chiseling activity, excavators are equipped with                 • The base and final binder,
           demolition protection grids. And, along with our sister company
           Zeppelin Baumaschinen GmbH, we have a service guarantee with                     made of low-temperature
           technicians nearby, so they have quick access to the airstrip.” n                asphalt, is applied at around
                                                                                            130 degrees Celsius
           Additional details at:
                                                                                           • Two hours of cooling time
                                                                                            is needed before 06:00
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