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times for parts. As part of Caterpillar’s   number stock for use by a mixed
       services growth strategy, Mantrac   fleet. Plus, with the workshop readily
       developed a viable solution through   available, customers can receive
       a cost-effective approach that’s a   immediate service solutions, which
       significantly lower dealer investment.  helps maximize uptime and production.

       “We started by creating a homemade,   William and Sean both agree that this
       custom solution using a 40-foot   affordable HAMW model can create
       shipping container. Then we focused   opportunities for dealers involved
       on simplifying Caterpillar tooling   with smaller projects. “For us, being
       specifications and reducing the cost of   able to pilot something new at a
       stock,” explains Sean Watson, Group   remote location for customers that
       Construction Manager for Mantrac.   wouldn’t traditionally have had this
       “We can also perform preventative   kind of service – that’s important for
       maintenance services, stock fast moving   growing market share,” said Sean. n
       parts and have an office onsite.”
                                         Additional details at:
       The result is a highly effective and
       productive workshop that can be run
       by one technician and has a 600 part-

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