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LOOKING TOWARDS THE FUTURE                                    Jason E. Kaiser is a Senior Vice President for the Caterpillar Electric
                                                               Power Division. In his role, he provides global leadership for the global
                                                               electric power generation business. This includes working with Cat®
 TRENDS IN ENERGY TRANSITION                                   dealers and customers to provide generators, related electrical and
                                                               hybrid products, and aftermarket services. Since joining Caterpillar
                                                               in 2000, Jason has held numerous roles in engineering, sales, and
 By Jason Kaiser, Caterpillar Senior Vice President            operations with increasing responsibility across the electric power
                                                               business. Last summer, Jason and his family relocated from Lafayette,
                                                               Indiana to Irving, Texas, Caterpillar’s new global headquarters.

       environmental, social and governance         Megatrends driving change
       (ESG) goals are driving change and
       experimentation at an unprecedented
       pace. With Caterpillar’s deep expertise in
       electric power equipment and services,       1 Electrification:
       we’re working alongside our customers to     Studies say electricity demands will likely increase substantially in our lifetime. For
       help them keep energy costs low, meet        instance, across the pond, the U.S. Energy Information Administration estimates
       their ESG goals and ensure reliable and      that energy demand will increase by 50% by 2050. And we’re experiencing a
       resilient power – all at the same time.      fundamental switch – one where cars, homes and even our Cat machines use
                                                    electric power in ways that they traditionally have not. This is driving change
       To meet our customers’ needs, it’s           from the point of consumption, back through distribution, and through to the
       important to understand what megatrends      utility grid. More and more, we rely on electric power for our daily life.
       are changing the fundamentals around
       energy and power. This blog is the
       first in a series called, “Perspectives      2 Decarbonization:
       on the Energy Transition from                Caterpillar, like many of our customers, is setting important ESG goals. Many
       Caterpillar”, where my colleagues            lower-carbon solutions rely on renewable energy sources such as solar energy
       and I will highlight different elements      and wind, which are more variable than the power sources they replace. This
       of the evolving energy landscape.            leaves a state of transition around the increasing role renewables will play in the
                                                    energy mix and how to integrate them more effectively. We’re working with our
                                                    customers to identify the right solutions to help them meet their carbon-related
                                                    objectives, lower their energy costs and ensure power reliability and resiliency.

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