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Dear Reader,

                                 Thank you for taking  a moment to read  Cat   We are committed to sustainability as a key area
                                 Magazine.  The magazine gives us an opportunity   of focus. Many of the articles in this edition of Cat
                                 to showcase how Caterpillar  and our dealer   Magazine highlight the progress we are making
                                 network each contribute  to develop  and deliver   in helping our end-users begin the journey to a
                                 innovative solutions across the range of products   reduced carbon future.
                                 and services to better meet the needs of  our
                                 customers.  It also  gives  us the opportunity  to   It gives me great pride to see the ways in which
                                 spotlight how our customers like you, are using   we are implementing solutions  that help our
                                 our products and services.             customers achieve their business objectives and
                                                                        make a better world for the generations to come.
                                 Caterpillar  continues  to make investments in
                                 industry-leading  innovative  technology  to give   Christophe Pelé
                                 them the best user experience  of our products   Caterpillar Senior Vice President
                                 and services.   We are also investing  in new   Europe, Africa, Middle East
                                 ways to deliver value to our customers through   and Eurasia Distribution
                                 ecommerce, predictive analytics and targeted
                                 digital marketing.


       Dan Bruch, Caterpillar    Omar T. Sherif, Zahid Tractor  Diana Ochero, Caterpillar   Kate Gallagher, Caterpillar

       With 28 years at Caterpillar  Dan   Omar studied at Imperial  College   Diana  joined Caterpillar  in 2018   Kate  is  a  passionate  supporter
       has held positions in product   London, has been a Private Banker,   as a Graduate intern, and her   of  the Oxford comma and of
       support, service and sales training,   Asset Manager and Investment   favorite memory in this  role   Cat products. With 20 years
       sales  management,  product  Advisor, specializing in Derivatives,   was organizing the 2018 Cat   of experience  in the marketing
       and marketing strategy, and is   worked for the Ministry of Culture,   European  Operator Challenge  in   communications  space, she is
       a member of the Construction   Saudi Arabia and is accomplished at   Malaga.  Today,  she  is  Marketing   currently using her skills to  help
       Industries global sustainability   both the piano and violin. He is also   Communications  Consultant for   develop informative, engaging Cat
       marketing  leadership  group.  a PADI dive master,  motorcyclist   Europe in Construction Industries   Reman marketing content. In her
       Married with  two adult children,   and enjoys developing  his skills in   Services Division (CISD), helping   free time, she can generally  be
       when not working Dan is also a   cyber security and bug bounties.   to  develop impactful,  strategic   found with her nose in a book or
       huge model railroad enthusiast.                      and  creative campaigns.  She  is   out snowboarding.
                                                            also an enthusiastic fan of true
                                                            crime and investigative journalism

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