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        LET’S DO

        THE WORK

         At bauma 2022 in Munich, Cat dealer Zeppelin showed that Caterpillar meant
         business with their exhibit of more than 70 Cat machines and attachments.
         Which included four of Caterpillar’s new electric and battery machine prototypes.

              The prototypes shown were the 301.9   would rapidly forward us and our   Station and sitting in the virtual cab to
              mini excavator, 320 medium excavator,   customers’ path to decarbonization.  remotely operate an on-site machine.
              950 GC medium wheel loader and                                       Customer Value Agreements (CVA),
              906 compact wheel loader. All of these   Zeppelin was also keen to show stand   which provide Cat customers hassle-
              come with an onboard AC charger. The   visitors our range of service solutions,   free ownership while driving down
              301.9 and 906 are expected to be the   like VisionLink , which can help increase   owning and operating costs, we also
              first commercially available models.  uptime and maximize profitability.   discussed with enthusiastic stand-goers.
                                               Cat Reman and Rebuild, which can
              This year, the focus on sustainability   significantly help reduce the cost of   Overall, bauma was a huge success,
              was greater than before, with the   owning and running a Cat machine,   for which credit must go to everyone
              industry seeking ways to support   was also discussed with visitors.  who made it happen – especially
              the planet. With almost a century of                                 Zeppelin, who worked tirelessly to
              sustainable innovation, Caterpillar   Caterpillar’s advanced technology   ensure everything ran smoothly while
              was uniquely positioned to show   ecosystem also proved to be a big draw,   also setting a high bar for next time. ■
              a wide range of solutions that   with customers visiting the Cat Command

                             POWERING A BETTER WORLD                               KEY TOPICS:

                             Caterpillar’s Industrial Power Systems Division (IPSD) stand was also a   • The road to zero emissions
                             popular attraction. With Cat engines helping OEMs power more sustainable   • Digital construction site
                             jobsites, the preview of IPSD’s advanced 600V battery electric prototypes   • Autonomous machines
                             and the new C3.6 IPU and C18 low-emission engines showed Caterpillar is   • Sustainable and efficient mining
                             committed to helping OEMs, and their customers achieve sustainability goals.

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