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                                           Questionario per i lettori del Cat Magazine

               LA VOSTRA

               OPINIONE CONTA

                                                                            LA VOSTRA OPINIONE CONTA
                                                                            Questionario per i lettori del Cat Magazine
                                                                            Così come lavoriamo ogni giorno insieme a voi
                                                                            ci impegniamo a migliorare il Cat Magazine
                                                                             perché desideriamo che sia uno strumento utile
                                                                             e prezioso per voi. Per aiutarci a realizzare una
                                                                             rivista che rispecchi i vostri interessi, vi chiediamo di
                          Così come lavoriamo ogni giorno insieme a         nell’intento di ottimizzare i nostri prodotti e servizi,
                                                                             rispondere ad alcune domande. La compilazione del
                          voi nell’intento di ottimizzare i nostri prodotti   questionario richiede solo cinque minuti. Per noi la
                                                                              vostra opinione conta, sempre.
                          e servizi, ci impegniamo a migliorare il             Compilate il questionario online:     □  Waste and industrial applications
                                                                                                   □  Power Systems customers (electric power, marine, oil & gas, etc.)
                                                                                                  □  Paving
                                                                                                   □  Plant hire / rental
                                                                               Or mail this printed questionnaire to:
                          Cat Magazine perché desideriamo che sia                □  Mining
                                                                                                   □  Other industries (please specify)
                          uno strumento utile e prezioso per voi. Per          Dealer name + attendee     INFORMATION VALUE
                                                                                                    What’s the most important reason(s) why you read Cat Magazine?
                                                                                Address 1
                                                                                Address 2
                                                                                                    □  Helps me understand new products and technologies
                          aiutarci a realizzare una rivista che rispecchi       Postal code        5.     □  Helps me stay connected to my dealer
                                                                                                    □  Helps me learn and stay up to date on industry thought leadership
                                                                                                    □  Helps me stay connected with Caterpillar overall
                          i vostri interessi, vi chiediamo di rispondere                                   6a.  How many people in your company read your copy of Cat
                                                                                 YOUR PROFILE
                          ad alcune domande. La compilazione del                 1.   Please tell us more about you  Magazine?
                                                                                                     □  Me and one other person
                                                                                                     □  Just me
                                                                                   First name, last name:
                                                                                    Company name:         □  3 to 4 people
                          questionario richiede solo cinque minuti.                  Country:            6b.  If other people read your copy, who are they? (multiple selections
                                                                                                     □  5 or more
                          Per noi la vostra opinione conta, sempre.                  What best describes your profile and position?     □  Owner operator (small enterprise)
                                                                                    □  Owner operator (small enterprise)
                                                                                                      □  Service technician
                                                                                    2.   □  Operator     □  Operator
                                                                                                       □  Solution provider / Designer
                                                                                      □  Service technician     □  Fleet manager
                                                                                     If you are not part of an enterprise (customer or Caterpillar), please
                                                                                      □  Fleet manager     □  Managing director / Purchaser
                                                                                    □  Managing director / Purchaser
                                                                                      □  Solution provider / Designer     □  Other (please specify)
                          Compilate il questionario online:                              tick “Not relevant” below and go to question 5.        Are you happy with how many Cat Magazine issues are published
                                                    □  Not relevant, I am (please specify):  7.   per year?
                                                                                                        □  No, I would like Cat Magazine to be published ___ per year
                                                                                     Does your company have Cat machines in your fleet?
                                                                                                        □  Yes, 3 times per year is just right
                                                                                      □  Yes, Cat machines represent less than 50 percent of the fleet
                                                                                    3.   □  Yes, Cat machines represent more than 50 percent of the fleet       When you read an article in Cat Magazine, is it typically the first
                          Tutte le informazioni che ci fornirete saranno utilizzate solo         □  No  8.   time you hear about that story (new products, technologies, other
                          da Caterpillar per migliorare il Cat Magazine e non saranno      What would best describe your company’s main area of business   customer projects, etc.)?  Cat Magazine 1
                                                                                      □  Heavy machinery / large earthmoving or road works
                                                                                      □  Small scale construction
                          cedute a terzi né utilizzate per scopi commerciali.        4.   and activities?

                                                                                        □  Quarry and aggregates

                                                                                              ISSUE 3-2020 WWW.CAT.COM
                                                                                              ISSUE 3-2020 WWW.CAT.COM
                                                                                              ISSUE 3-2020 WWW.CAT.COM
                                               ISSUE 3-2020 WWW.CAT.COM    ISSUE 3-2020 WWW.CAT.COM                     ISSUE 1-2021 WWW.CAT.COM
                                                       ISSUE 2-2021 WWW.CAT.COM
                                                                                 ISSUE 2-2021 WWW.CAT.COM
                                                                                 ISSUE 2-2021 WWW.CAT.COM
                                                                                 ISSUE 2-2021 WWW.CAT.COM     ISSUE 1-2021 WWW.CAT.COM
                                        ISSUE 2-2021 WWW.CAT.COM
                                                                                              COSTS • CAT TRIAL #10 SPOTLIGHTING TECHNICIAN CAREERS
                                                                                               • CAT ®  UNDERCARRIAGE ABRASION MAXIMIZING WEAR LIFE, LOWERING
                                                                                               AFTERMARKET RETAIL CUSTOMERS TAILORED SOLUTIONS DELIVER SUCCESS
                                                    THE CAT ®  D6 GC AND 966 GC SIMPLER, ECONOMICAL MACHINES FOR
                                                                                       REMOTE SITES • THE NEW CAT M314 AND M318 INCREASED VERSATILITY,
                                                   LOWER COSTS • CAT TRIAL 9 CATERPILLAR REIMAGINES PAC-MAN™
                                                                                       LOWER COSTS • CAT TRIAL 9 CATERPILLAR REIMAGINES PAC-MAN™
                                  REMOTE SITES • THE NEW CAT M314 AND M318 INCREASED VERSATILITY,
                                  LOWER COSTS • CAT TRIAL 9 CATERPILLAR REIMAGINES PAC-MAN™
                                            THE DRUYAK FAMILY BUSINESS A passion for Cat ®  equipment is generational •   THE DRUYAK FAMILY BUSINESS A passion for Cat ®  equipment is generational •   COSTS • CAT TRIAL #10 SPOTLIGHTING TECHNICIAN CAREERS
                                            JACK MILLER MOTOGP SPONSORSHIP Fueling brand awareness • REFINEMENT
                                            AND ADVANCEMENTS Next generation medium wheel loaders are here
                                            AND ADVANCEMENTS Next generation medium wheel loaders are here
                                            THE DRUYAK FAMILY BUSINESS
                                            JACK MILLER MOTOGP SPONSORSHIP
                                                                   JACK MILLER MOTOGP SPONSORSHIP Fueling brand awareness • REFINEMENT
                                                                   THE DRUYAK FAMILY BUSINESS
                                                                   AND ADVANCEMENTS Next generation medium wheel loaders are here
                                                                   JACK MILLER MOTOGP SPONSORSHIP
                                                                   AND ADVANCEMENTS
                 THE DRUYAK FAMILY BUSINESS A passion for Cat ®  equipment is generational •
                 AND ADVANCEMENTS Next generation medium wheel loaders are here
                                                                                       AFTERMARKET RETAIL CUSTOMERS TAILORED SOLUTIONS DELIVER SUCCESS
                 JACK MILLER MOTOGP SPONSORSHIP Fueling brand awareness • REFINEMENT
                                                                                       • CAT ®  UNDERCARRIAGE ABRASION MAXIMIZING WEAR LIFE, LOWERING
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