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Mantrac are bringing their very best used machines to
                                       an even wider audience than ever before



        TO OUR


        The move to eCommerce and everything digital has
        been gaining pace and significance during the global
        pandemic. Now, more than ever, seeing the opportunities
        this offers is crucial to the success of any business.

                                               One such company doing precisely that   Cat dealer goes through before offering
                                               is Mantrac, one of the world’s largest   pre-owned equipment for sale.
                                               authorised Cat dealers, with customers in
                                               East and West Africa, including Uganda,   Everything about the event was a huge
                                               Kenya, Tanzania, Ghana and Nigeria.  success, from the larger than expected
                                                                                  number of attendees to the fact that
      Initially, the intention was             With such a large area to cover, they   primarily a customer relationship
                                               decided the best way to get closer to   experience generated a number of sales.
       to host these events every              their customers was to host a live digital
                                               event and invite them to attend.   Initially, the intention was to host
      three months, but, already,                                                 these events every three months,
         Mantrac can see such a                Hosted by Daniel Kijo, an award winning   but, already, Mantrac can see such a
                                               Tanzanian journalist, the multimedia   demand for them that they will soon
           demand for them that                event, which focused on the rental and   become a monthly occurrence.
          they will soon become                used Cat market, included videos, product
                                               demos and a how-to section that showed   Anna Ljosne, Cat Used Equipment Rep for
           a monthly occurrence.               prospective customers what they should   the region has nothing but praise for the
                                               look out for when buying used machines,   energy and enthusiasm Mantrac brought
                                               as well as educating customers about   to making an idea come to fruition. “We
                                               the extraordinary process of checks,   were able to support the event by raising
                                               repairs and servicing that only a certified   awareness across Cat channels but all

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