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Dear Reader,

                                 This year, we’ve all faced unprecedented   Additionally, you read about how new backhoe
                                 challenges. But, through it all, our customers,   loaders, Cat Certified Used equipment and
                                 our dealers and our own Caterpillar teams have   Customer Value Agreements are helping
                                 found ways to safely continue their efforts to   customers lower owning and operating costs.
                                 build a better world. I am proud to say that,
                                 though it is not business as usual here at   As we work through this new normal, I continue
                                 Caterpillar, we’re continuing to manufacture   to admire how our customers are adjusting
                                 machines, deliver parts and provide services to   and adapting by finding new and innovative
                                 support our customers and their essential work.   ways to work. I hope you enjoy reading this
                                                                        latest installment of Cat Magazine. And, that in
                                 In 2020, Caterpillar invested heavily in research   doing so, you learn more about our steadfast
                                 and development to set our customers up   commitment to our customers’ success.
                                 for success moving forward. This translates
                                 to more than 20 new products and services   No matter how your business has changed
                                 coming to our customers in 2021. For   this year, we at Caterpillar have your
                                 example, when it comes to new product   back. Today, tomorrow and always.
                                 introductions, we feature two next generation
                                 wheeled excavators in this issue, that are   Corne Timmermans,
                                 designed for versatility and affordability.  Global Construction and
                                                                        Infrastructure Manager
                                 You can also read about our recent revival of   Europe, Africa, Middle East and Eurasia
                                 the Cat Trials, where Cat machines recreate
                                 the iconic PAC-MAN™ game – and take it to an
                                 entirely new level. Admire the precision of the
                                 equipment that built the maze and the remote-
                                 control skid steers as the game’s characters.


       J. Archie Lyons, Caterpillar  Alissa Green, Caterpillar  Ibrahim Abeeb, Mantrac  Marylise Serrano-
                                                                                     Dion, Caterpillar
       Archie started with Caterpillar as   Alissa joined Caterpillar earlier   After graduating with a degree
       a video producer in 2005. Today,   this year as the Global Brand   in electrical and electronics   Marylise has spent 23 years at
       he is the Creative Director for   Team’s Content Marketing   engineering, Ibrahim joined Cat   Caterpillar, with 18 of those years
       the Brand Strategy & Activation   Manager. Her team is responsible   dealer Mantrac in 2015 as a   in commercial roles for BCP
       Team in Peoria, working on global   for leading brand-level content   Sales Support Coordinator. He   machines in Europe. Over the
       marketing strategies, the creation   efforts and trade press promotion.   was responsible for territorial   last five years, she has worked
       of The Cat Trials video series and   Prior to Caterpillar, Alissa led   sales coordination, in addition   on the deployment of new parts
       other brand projects. He has done   content marketing for Great Wolf   to generating and analyzing   and services solutions across the
       major tradeshows and events,   Lodge, a national waterpark   parts sales data and project   enterprise. Marylise’s interests
       including CONEXPO and bauma   chain in the U.S., as well as   information. Ibrahim was then   include reading (especially
       China. He has earned several   Alliant Credit Union, one of   promoted to Product Support   crime novels) and sailing.
       prestigious global marketing   America’s largest credit unions.   Sales Representative (PSSR)   Like most people she prefers
       awards. Archie attended Bradley   Alissa has lived in both Spain   in 2019. His hobbies include   warm, sunny weather, which
       has a bachelor’s degree in   and Ireland and prides herself   reading, traveling and spending   is not always in the forecast in
       communications/advertising.  on being a life-long traveler.  time with friends and family.  England, where she is based.

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