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                                               ON-SITE SUCCESS                   FORWARD THINKING
                                               04                                14
                                               THE NEW 966 GC & D6 GC            ADDED VALUE IS IN DEMAND
                                               Designed with less technology, these   The new Cat backhoe series and
                                               machines are economical yet powerful.  Customer Value Agreements, two
                             04                06                                16
                                                                                 new customer tools for success.
                                               THE NEXT GEN M314 AND M318
                                               These wheeled excavators have
                                                                                 An iconic 80s video game
                                               improved efficiency and comfort while   CAT TRIAL 9
                                               costing less to own and operate.  helps demonstrate machine
                                                                                 technology and versatility.
                                               REBUILDING BUSINESS               19
                                               In Nigeria, bringing Cat  machines   CAT HEAVY DUTY EXTRA LONG
                                               back to life proves more economical   LIFE (HDXL) UNDERCARRIAGE
                             06                22                                Extra wear resistance. Better
                                               than a competitor’s new machines.
                                                                                 WITH DURALINK™
                                                                                 productivity. Lower operating costs.
                                               DELIVERY OF 6015B
                                               Exemplary teamwork in Guinea.
                                                                                 OUR SOS ANALYSIS
                                                                                 Listen to your machine.
                                               INNOVATIONS IN MOTION
                                               10                                CAT HIGH PRESSURE HOSES
                                               TOOLS FOR SUCCESS                 A hose range designed to operate
                             08                Cat Certified Used (CCU) machines   COLOPHON:
                                                                                 in the harshest conditions.
                                               Cat dealer Borusan is combining Cat
                                               with Customer Value Agreements.
                                                                                 more news and views inside. If you have an idea for a story for a
                                                                                 future issue, contact our publishers at
                                               RELIABLE BACK-UP POWER            Above is just a taste of what’s in this issue – you’ll find plenty
                                               A set of three Cat C18 generators   Cat Magazine is distributed by Cat dealers in Europe, Africa,
                                                                                 the Middle East and CIS three times per year. Please send
                                               are helping protect delicate      your editorial correspondence to Cat Magazine, Caterpillar
                                                                                 S.A.R.L. 76, Route de Frontenex, PO box 6000, 1211
                                               data in Switzerland.              Geneva 6, Switzerland.
                                                                                 © 2021 Caterpillar. All Rights Reserved. CAT, CATERPILLAR, LET’S
                                                                                 DO THE WORK, their respective logos, “Caterpillar Corporate
                                                                                 Yellow”, the “Power Edge” and Cat “Modern Hex” trade dress as
                                                                                 well as corporate and product identity used herein, are trademarks
                             12                                                  PUBLISHER: Natalie George, Caterpillar S.A.R.L.
                                                                                 of Caterpillar and may not be used without permission.
                                                                                 EDITOR-IN-CHIEF: Anneloes van der Schoot CHIEF
                                                                                 WRITER: Trevor Baker ART DIRECTION: Tom Fincham,
                                                                                 Maartje Hoppenbrouwers CONCEPT & REALIZATION: Dark
                                                                                 Grey Europe for Caterpillar S.A.R.L. LOCAL
                                                                                 DEALER CONTACT: Anne-Sophie Clauzet & Carole Broly
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