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BEHIND THE SCENES OF THE PAC-MAN enthusiasts will also appreciate ‘Easter
GAME BOARD BUILD eggs,’ like a coffee break and the level 256 ending.
The build team spent months perfecting every In addition, a one-degree elevation change and
detail of the game board to ensure it was authentic drainpipe were built-in, so the maze didn’t become
and reflected real play, from the shape and a giant swimming pool if it rained, which it did.
dimensions of the game board to the relative size
of the pellets, ghosts and PAC-MAN himself. READY PLAYER ONE
James Kosner, Co-Founder of the JIMAX Group, is
To ensure accuracy, for example, digging and a customer who was invited to play the game and
sculpting were done with a Cat 336 excavator operate the PAC-MAN skid steer. “At JIMAX. we
equipped with Cat Grade 3D. “We got the original show our own customers that technology means
game board file and basically loaded it into the more efficiency, cost effectiveness and added safety,
excavator’s GPS system. That one machine dug especially on hillside operations. The engineers
the entire area in 70 hours, significantly less did a phenomenal job with the remote control to
than the traditional stake and grade method,” recreate the feeling operators have in the cab.”
added Archie. “In fact, if you overlay the original
game board over the drone photo, it’s 99 percent Much like in the field, the players used line of sight
accurate. BANDAI NAMCO was amazed.” to operate the equipment and navigate through the
maze. “The pathways were narrow with maybe 1.5
According to Ryan Neal, Product Application feet on each side of our machines,” added James.
Specialist for Excavators, the 336 was the perfect “When you’re more than 90 meters away and about
machine for the job. “We needed a machine to make a 90-degree corner, it’s challenging, but the
with excellent reach to create the 3.6-meter- controls and the machine were very responsive.” n
wide paths. And I think the smoothness and
precision of the 151 corners speak for themselves. Watch Trial 9: PAC-MAN at
It’s like we used a giant cookie cutter.”
Cat Magazine