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Dear Reader,

                                 I don’t need to tell you that the last few years   GET Advansys™ system is reaping benefits
                                 have been difficult for all of us, and yet we,   for our customers’ businesses and our own.
                                 as a company, continue to perform strongly.
                                 Even though we were impacted by things   As are a host of other initiatives that include
                                 we could not control, we can all be proud of   our Built to be Rebuilt scheme, which prolongs
                                 how well we delivered for those we could.  the life of Cat equipment. And our Customer
                                                                        Value Agreements (CVAs) that allow our
                                 One of the reasons we’ve done so       customers to focus on their business, while
                                 well is the focus on understanding our   Caterpillar and our dealers concentrate on the
                                 customers’ needs. Whatever their size.  maintenance and repair of their machines.

                                 In this edition of Cat Magazine, you’ll read   We have learned so much in the past two
                                 about how our support in helping a mushroom   years as we worked under extraordinary
                                 farmer who not only realised his ambition   conditions. It’s worth reminding ourselves
                                 of owning a Cat  machine and grew his   just how resilient we have been.
                                 business, but gained us a loyal customer in
                                 the process. You will also discover how the   I wish you all good health and look forward to
                                 Covid restrictions on gatherings resulted in a   our continued success in the coming year.
                                 mini-series of beautifully shot and captivating
                                 films on what really happens in a quarry.  Herwig Peschl
                                                                        Aftermarket Sales Manager
                                 We also see Cat dealers focusing more on   EAME/Asia-Pacific
                                 offering services that help support our customers
                                 and drive their business. Something perfectly
                                 illustrated in an article from the dealer in France
                                 that explains how the upgraded mixed fleet


       Martin Jauretche,         Jan van Steenbergen,      Helge Landberg, Avesco    Burcu Çalışkan
       Caterpillar               Pon Equipment                                       Akdağ, Borusan
                                                           Helge has been at Avesco for
       Martin was born in France but   Born in the Netherlands, Jan first   the last 4 years as Content   Burcu has been with Borusan
       raised in Spain. His career, as   studied mechanical engineering   Manager. Before which he   Group for 14 years. She
       Aftermarket Sales Rep, has   before going on to attend business   worked in communications and   has a masters degree in
       taken him around the world,   school. A combination that has   PR for a German construction   Strategic Marketing and
       having worked in both France   proved to be the perfect fit for his   company, a Swiss newspaper and   Brand Management. And is
       and America. He’s also fluent in   job at Pon Equipment as Project   an agricultural feed production   currently Borusan’s Marketing
       three languages and believes that   Manager. When not working he   company. What he loves most   Communication Leader in Turkey.
       a day without some fun in it, is   has a passion for making things   about his job is being able to   Whenever she can she loves
       never a good day. He is also a big   out of wood and steel, anything   learn from people with real   to go travelling with Burak, her
       fan of zombies and loves surfing.  from furniture to boat interiors.  expertise in what they do. When   husband and their twins, Beren
                                                           not at the office, he continues to   and Barkin. She is also a sleep
                                                           work, as a dad of two children.   coach, helping mums around the
                                                                                     world get a good night’s sleep.

                                                                                                        Cat Magazine 3
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