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                                               ON-SITE SUCCESS                    FORWARD THINKING
                                               04                                 08
                                               GET TO GRIPS WITH THE CAT ALL-     SPACE, THE FINAL FRONTIER
                                               NEW MATERIAL HANDLER  ®            The punishment the ultra-rugged
                                                                                  Cat S62 Pro cell phone can take
                                               The Next Generation Cat  MH3026
                              04               offers better performance, lower   is out of this world, literally.
                                               costs and improved efficiency.
                                                                                  How Covid restrictions on group
                                               DREAMS REALLY DO COME TRUE         ROLL CAMERA AND…ACTION!
                                               Orhan Pembe, a mushroom farmer     events lead to a series of short films
                                               from Turkey, explains what it means   about the secret life of quarries.
                                               to him to own Cat machines.
                                               TEACHING EXCELLENCE AND
                              08               Caterpillar Demonstration & Learning
                                               EXTRAORDINARY PEOPLE
                                               Centers (DLCs) celebrate being 50.
                                               And Mantrac, Nigeria, acknowledge
                                               an extraordinary young man.

                                               INNOVATIONS IN MOTION

                                               WELCOME TO EUROPE
                              10               in Europe is now hard at work on
                                               The first Cat 352 LRE excavator
                                               a landfill site in Switzerland.
                                                                                  Above is just a taste of what’s in this issue – you’ll find plenty more
                                               GET THE JOB DONE                   COLOPHON:
                                                                                  news and views inside. If you have an idea for a story for a future
                                               Getting the right Ground Engaging   issue, contact our publishers at
                                               Tools (GET) is the secret to being more   Cat Magazine is distributed by Cat dealers in Europe, Africa, the
                                                                                  Middle East and CIS three times per year. Please send your editorial
                                               productive while staying on top of costs.  correspondence to Cat Magazine, Caterpillar S.A.R.L. 76, Route
                                                                                  de Frontenex, PO box 6000, 1211 Geneva 6, Switzerland.
                                               21                                 © 2022 Caterpillar. All Rights Reserved. CAT, CATERPILLAR, LET’S
                                                                                  DO THE WORK, their respective logos, “Caterpillar Corporate
                                                                                  Yellow”, the “Power Edge” and Cat “Modern Hex” trade dress as
                                               CAT FINANCIAL
                                                                                  well as corporate and product identity used herein, are trademarks
                              16               Flexible solutions for the         of Caterpillar and may not be used without permission.
                                                                                  PUBLISHER: Alissa Green, Caterpillar S.A.R.L.
                                               life of your business.
                                                                                  EDITOR-IN-CHIEF: Anneloes van der Schoot CHIEF
                                                                                  WRITER: Simon Taylor ART DIRECTION: Tom Fincham,
                                                                                  Maartje Hoppenbrouwers CONCEPT & REALIZATION:
                                                                                  Dark Grey Europe for Caterpillar S.A.R.L.
      2  Cat Magazine
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