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As you would expect with Caterpillar, we have One of those clients is ‘Carriere de Chailloué’,
taken our mix fleet GET to a new level with who operate the Chailloué site in the northwest
Cat Advansys™. This system is the highest of France. Created in 1991, the site has a
standard in hammerless ground engaging maximum capacity estimated at 2.5 million tonnes
tools, which comes in 11 different sizes that a year, with current production at around 1.9
cover a wide range of different machines. million tonnes. The equipment manager Laurent
And are built specifically for demanding high Hallie, “A few years ago, we decided to replace
production applications meaning you can move our previous system, the K series, with the Cat
more material with less machine downtime. Advansys system, which had just been launched
in France. Within the industry,
Another key feature of this it generated a lot of interest.
system is the simplified Here was a brand-new system
installation that has been being put to the test in one of
designed to ensure the adapters France’s best-known quarries.”
can utilise the same fittings
as the K series. This makes Of course, being Caterpillar
them quick to install and easy rising to the challenge and
to remove and so helps to delivering is what we do best.
optimize the performance And the demands of the
of hydraulic excavators and Chailloué site was no different.
wheel loaders even further. “We have a really good
product and offer a “We have a long relationship
Benjamin Reminiac, Caterpillar great service supported with Bergerat Monnoyeur, and
GET product expert, explains over the years, a real trust
more. “The Cat Advansys by real expertise. All developed,” adds Constance
system offers exclusive of which makes our Berard, production manager,
performance features such customers’ lives easier.” Carriere de Chailloué.
as tapered tip sides, which “Their aftersales team are
offer less drag and so, higher Laurent Lucand, Wear always available and often
productivity. In comparison, specialist for Bergerat on site. I would say there’s
the stronger adapter noses Monnoyeur France a real synergy between
offer an impressive 50% stress our team and theirs.”
reduction over the earlier series.
And of course, the retainer lock, which requires Something Laurent also acknowledges.
no special tools, allows for quick and easy, “We pride ourselves on being experts
hammerless tip removal and installation.” in our field, so we are always there with
advice for our clients. It’s part of what
To get an on the ground view of the Cat GET makes Caterpillar so special.” ■
mix fleet, we spoke to Laurent Lucand, Wear
specialist for Bergerat Monnoyeur France, a Landing page:
dealer who had considerable success with the support/maintenance/
Cat GET. “We have a really good product and ground-engaging-tools/
offer a great service supported by real expertise. cat-advansys-get.html
All of which makes our customers’ lives easier.” Video:
Cat Magazine 17