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      THE NEW CAT  340 UHD
                                                                        DISMANTLE A BRIDGE
                                                                        IN JUST 12 HOURS

                                                                        The first in Europe to use this new model is
                                                                        Switzerland-based Wettinger Eduard Meier
      The 340 UHD is a specialized                                      AG, a company with a decade of expertise
      demolition machine that completes                                 in bridge demolition. Their challenge was
      Caterpillar’s Next Generation                                     to dismantle a bridge over the A13 in the
      Excavators model lineup. However,
      with the right equipment, it can                                  Untervaz municipality – in just 12 hours.
      also be used for excavation work.
                                                                        “When we were looking for a machine in the
                                                                        50- to 60-tonne class, we needed the stability to
                “The new 340 UHD is completely designed and built for
                the high demands of demolition,” said Thomas Schär,     mount a seven-tonne shear and the hydraulic
                Product Manager for Cat  dealer Avesco. “It allows      performance to bite through one-meter-thick
                operators to work very precisely so that nearby         concrete slabs,” said Urs Meier, Owner Wettinger
                structures are not damaged, and materials can be
                sorted during demolition and then recycled.”            Eduard Meier. “Most other brands were not able
                                                                        to meet those requirements, but the Cat 340 UHD
              “And even though this   A range of best-in-class          does. With the attached shears, we were able to
         machine can reach up to 22   demolition work tool              dismantle the bridge without any problems.”
                                      attachments deliver
         meters, the vertical working   enhanced machine
          height is just one beneficial   flexibility, versatility      “We are very pleased with the performance,
            feature for this machine.”  and range of use for            stability and productivity of this machine. The speed
                                      bigger, more demanding
             Thomas Schär, Product    applications. “And even           and control we needed for the Untervaz bridge
                   Manager for Cat    though this machine               demolition wouldn’t been possible without our 340
                     dealer Avesco    can reach up to 22                UHD,” said Urs. “We’re proud to operate 20 Cat
                                      meters, the vertical              machines throughout our group of companies.”
                                      working height is just one
                beneficial feature for this machine,” added Thomas.
                “With 3,700-kilogram tool weight, the 340 UHD again
                has the best performance in its class. It’s crucial for
                fast progress, which saves time, money and fuel,        TECHNOLOGY
                making the machine more profitable for customers.”      Complementing the machine’s reach and power is the
                                                                        most extensive technology package on the market:
                The 340 UHD comes with a completely new,
                ergonomically designed 30-degree tilting cabin          • Cat E-fence: keeps the retrofit front linkage
                that allows operators to comfortably follow              within a predefined work area.
                their work from top to bottom. Fuel efficiency          • Cat Payload Measurement system to maximize truck load.
                has been improved by up to 15 percent and
                maintenance costs have been reduced by 5                • Cat Grade with 2D: guides depth, slope
                percent, compared to previous machines. ■                and horizontal distance.
                                                                        • Standard Cat Product Link™: captures critical
                Additional details at:
                                                                         machine operating data and condition.
                                                                        • Cat Remote Flash: ensures software is up to date.

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