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2015-10          2025
                                                                                    Construction     Commissioning

                                                                                     1 st  Largest    2 nd  Second Largest
                                                                                                         natural gas
                                                                                        natural gas
                                                                                        processing plant in  processing plant in
                                                                                        Russia           the world
        TWO INFRASTRUCTURE                                                                          800-hectare


        UNIQUE CHALLENGES,                                                                             + m³

        SOLUTIONS                                                                   Process about 42 billion cubic
                                                                                    meters of natural gas per year.

                                                                                    Amur natural gas
        Rönesans Holding company is busy right now.                                 processing plant,
        The construction, real estate development, energy                           Svobodny
        and industrial facility specialist is currently working
        on two major infrastructure projects in Russia.

                     One is the Amur natural gas   include experienced operators   can’t provide the same level of
                     processing plant outside the   and technicians for training   service. We maintain machines
                     city of Svobodny. The other is a   and to perform maintenance.   on site, provide the highest
                     new terminal at Sheremetyevo   Both can be difficult to find,   uptime and offer technologies
                     Airport in Moscow.            particularly in the far east of   that increase efficiency.”
                                                   Russia for the Amur gas plant.”
                     For each project, Rönesans quickly                           Just like the Amur gas project, the
                     requested a variety of rental   In addition, Amur Machinery   schedule to deliver equipment to
                     machines and equipment. To fill that   opened a dealer branch in 2019   Sheremetyevo Airport was tight.
                     need, they turned to Cat  dealer   that’s about 20 km from the Amur   “For our customer Rönesans,
                     Amur Machinery. “When Rönesans   gas plant site. “We established   we understood that for their own
                     came to us to rent equipment for   our branch to more readily assist   customer, time is money. When
                     these two projects, we knew it   Rönesans. The nearby location   an agreement was made with the
                     was going to be a difficult order to   means it’s quick and easy to   airport, we had to go into action
                     fill,” said Sergey Karpov, Rental   deliver parts that are not available   immediately,” explained Sergey.
                     & Used Department Manager, for   on site. We have all the tools we   “Right now, the airport project is
                     Amur Machinery. “But we are all   need for diagnostics and we can   about 90 percent finished and
                     about delivering solutions, as well   make machine repairs quickly. At   should be completed this summer.”
                     as Cat equipment. Those solutions   the end of the day, the competition

                                               Amur Gas Processing Solutions
                                               Machines:                          Generators:
                                               • 14x 330 excavators               40x Cat C18s supply 20 MW of power
                                               • 1x 428 backhoe loader
                                               • 2x 434 backhoe loaders           Support:
                                               • 1x 232 skid steer loader         Experienced operators and technicians
                                               • 2x 140K motor graders            for training and maintenance

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