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            Rebuilds have always been a cost-effective way to                  
            keep Cat  equipment doing what they do best, working                         maintenance/certified-rebuild.html
            long and hard. But after Borusan, Cat dealer in Turkey
            undertook customer research, we saw an opportunity to
            create a new, ground-breaking approach to rebuild.

                    When Borusan conducted a survey   By far, the most significant of   The final concern was one of
                    to gather customer feedback on   these was turnaround time. After   quality, something that Caterpillar
                    their 2020 rebuilds, little did they   all, the longer a machine is out of   has always had an enviable record
                    know they were going to change   action, the greater the cost to the   for. But even here improvements
                    how Caterpillar approached their   customer on-site. But Caterpillar’s   were sought. Borusan have
                    Certified Machine Component    extensive inspection, evaluation   now extended the component
                    Rebuild (CMCR) for the future.  and performance testing process   warranty for added reassurance.
                                                   wasn’t something we were
                    The result is a new pilot scheme   prepared to compromise on. So,   Baris Sayin, M&OS Service
                    at Borusan for C9 engine CMCR   a more innovative approach was   Operations consultant at Caterpillar
                    that addresses not only their   needed. And found. By pre-    says, “While it is still early days
                    customers’ primary concerns    assembling critical subcomponents   for the pilot scheme, this model
                    head-on but also surpasses     of the engine and swapping     of bundling the customers’
                    expectations as to what’s possible.  them in and out, Borusan can   three major concerns into one
                                                   significantly reduce the average   offering is already proving to be a
                    Initially, the survey was simply   rebuild time and can give promised   success, and rolling it out across
                    to gather customer feedback    turnaround time with goodwill.  other regions is planned.”
                    and satisfaction levels on engine
                    rebuilds. But close analysis of   Next on the list to be addressed   But it doesn’t stop there. Yet
                    customer insights revealed there   was cost. The feedback Borusan   another significant insight revealed
                    were three key considerations that   got back was that customers,   was that customers will often wait
                    drove the decision-making process   although happy to purchase   until their engines break down
                    when it came to rebuilds: time,   original Cat parts from the   before getting a Cat CMCR.
                    cost and the quality of the work.  dealership, were often worried   Whereas rebuilds can be completed
                                                   about the costs associated     cheaper and faster simply by
                                                   with labor. Additionally,      planning ahead and pre-empting
                                                   because it is a before failure   a breakdown based on hours
                                                   approach, the customer also    used and scheduling a CMCR for
                                                   gets very competitive fixed    a time that suits the client best.
                                                   rebuild price levels according
                                                   to their equipment hours.      Repair before failure is nothing
                                                                                  new and already the preferred
                                                   The solution was as simple as it   choice of the mining industry, but
                                                   was striking. Having assessed a   now’s the time for the construction
                                                   job, a fixed price for both labor and   industry to follow its lead. It is
                                                   parts is now offered by Borusan,   this message that Borusan and
                                                   one that they will stand by even if   Caterpillar are now keen to get out
                                                   additional or unforeseeable costs   to the market. Once that happens,
                                                   arise during the rebuild itself.  there will be no looking back. ■

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