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The precision assist you need...
                                                         to take your best shot

                                  Cat Trials have gained a cult following since they were
                                  launched. And for a good reason. Where else would you
                                  get to see Cat machines playing life-size video games or
                                  going head-to-head with an international soccer player?

                                  Archie Lyons, Creative Director, Global   The idea was to use two different autonomous
                                  Strategy and Activation, explains, “Cat Trials   machines, the mighty 794 AC Mining Truck
                                  are an opportunity for us to demonstrate   and the brand new, smaller and more
                                  our products, service and technology   nimble, 299D3 Compact Track Loader.
                                  in a new and different way that not only
                                  shows how we can help partner with our   Jagath Samaraweera, Commercial Support,
                                  customers in their businesses but also,   Global Mining Division, was pulled in to help
                                  surprises and delights them in the telling.”  turn this into reality. “Right away, we knew
                                                                        we needed a huge area in which to make
                                  The latest in the series is Trial 12. It   this possible. Plus, it had to handle both the
                                  features autonomous Cat machines going   weight of the Cat 794 and have the necessary
                                  head-to-head with the aforementioned   infrastructure needed to run autonomy
                                  international soccer player, DaMarcus   machines.” Caterpillar’s Demonstration and
                                  Beasley, a USA player capped 126 times   Learning Centre in the Tinaja Hills, just outside
                                  for his country. So, for Archie and his team,   Tucson, Arizona, was the perfect location.
                                  it was a natural fit. “Autonomy is all about   “Because we had run virtual trials before the
       Landing page:              precision, performance and safety. It’s also   shoot, everything went exactly as expected,
                                  about being hands-off, so that led us to   as is the way with autonomous machines. In
       To find out more about     soccer. Something a lot of our customers   fact, the only problem we encountered was the
       the products featured in
       the video, please contact   have a real passion for. So, we hope it will   wind, which was only an issue for DaMarcus.”          really cut through the business clutter and
                                  resonate with them on that level too.”  Behind all of this is some serious technology
                                                                        that is making life easier for Cat customers.
                                  The pitch was simple, create an obstacle   Joe Forcash, Engineering Manager, Cat
                                  course for both man and machine and then   Robotics, has been working on autonomy at
                                  have them work seamlessly together to   Caterpillar for over a decade now. “When we
                                  achieve their goal. In this case, literally.  look at autonomy technology, it is all about
                                                                        the 3Ds: dirty, dangerous and dull. As of now,
                                                                        we have 500 autonomous Cat trucks working.
                                                                        They’ve travelled 90 million miles, moved
                                                                        four billion tons of material, and we’ve had
                                                                        zero lost-time injuries. So this is an exciting
                                                                        new step for us, our customers and our
                                                                        industry. And this trial is a great introduction.”

                                                                        Or, as Archie says, “We wanted to show
                                                                        that whatever the Caterpillar customer’s
                                                                        business goals are, we are here to
                                                                        help you take your best shot.” ■

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